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speed limit

Californians Could Soon Get Warned Every Time They Speed

Californians Could Soon Get Warned Every Time They Speed

It’s now up to California Gov. Gavin Newsom to decide whether to sign a new bill that would require automakers to install a “passive intelligent speed assistance system” into all new vehicles sold in the state starting no later than 2030. Lawmakers sent the governor the measure as part of a crackdown on speeding – which is reportedly involved in a third of the state’s fatal crashes. The measure mandates the use of a warning device but some safety advocates want to go further, installing speed limiters.

California Wants to Require Automakers to Install Speed Limiters

California Wants to Require Automakers to Install Speed Limiters

California lawmakers are considering a bill that could require new vehicles to come with an “intelligent speed limiter” that, in most instances, would prevent motorists from driving more than 10 mph above the speed limit. Such devices have also been recommended by the National Transportation Safety Board, though that has gained little traction on a federal level.