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UAW and Ford Reach Tentative Deal

by | October 25, 2023

Bill Ford Remarks at Rouge

Ford Chairman Bill Ford tried to encourage the UAW to seek compromise during a speech at the Rouge Manufacturing Complex.

The United Auto Workers union and Ford Motor Co. reached a tentative deal on a new labor contract after 41 days of “stand-up strikes” by the union.

Union chief Shawn Fain said workers would be authorized to return to work immediately. However, with many operations shut down for longer than a month, being willing to go back and being able to do any work are two different things.

The deal, describe as the best since Walter Reuther headed the group, secured workers a 25% wage increase as well as a partial elimination of the wage tiers that occasionally caused strife between longtime workers and new hires. However, the union did not get everything it wanted.

Headlight.News has been following the developments and will have a complete story shortly.


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