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UAW Dealt Crushing Defeat in Alabama, Workers Reject Union

UAW Dealt Crushing Defeat in Alabama, Workers Reject Union

The United Auto Workers lost its bid to bring workers at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Vance, Alabama into the union. The setback comes just weeks after an overwhelming victory at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga and raises questions about what the UAW might do next, its drive to organize foreign-owned transplants a key goal of union President Shawn Fain.

CES 2024 Ushers In Era of “Software-Defined Vehicles”

CES 2024 Ushers In Era of “Software-Defined Vehicles”

Today’s cars already function as computers on wheels, some equipped with over 100 onboard microprocessors. But tomorrow’s vehicles will go significantly further, offering the sort of software-based features and functions found on Apple and Android smartphones and making use of the latest AI technology. Tomorrow’s “software-defined vehicles” will transform what motorists can do while driving – while generating hundreds of billions of dollars in new revenue streams for automakers. We’ll get a look at what this means at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.