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Tesla Cybertruck a Bust? “We Dug Our Own Grave,” Says Musk

Tesla Cybertruck a Bust? “We Dug Our Own Grave,” Says Musk

Within a week of its 2019 launch, Tesla claimed to have logged 250,000 advance reservations for the Cybertruck, and CEO Musk claims the number is now up to 1 million. Yet, even with the all-electric pickup finally in production, it very well could turn into a bust, CEO Elon Musk telling investors and analysts “We dug our own grave with the Cybertruck.”

Ford Cuts Shift as F-150 Lightning Sales “Tank”

Ford Cuts Shift as F-150 Lightning Sales “Tank”

Ford dropped a shift at the Dearborn, Michigan plant assembling its all-electric F-150 Lightning. The automaker blamed “multiple constraints,” for the move, but the UAW says the production cut comes as sales “have tanked.” If anything, Ford had expected a growing surge in demand as it prepares a major expansion of capacity at its Rouge Electric Vehicle Center.

New Cars More Affordable in September

After Setting Records, New Vehicle Prices May Finally Settle Back

If you’ve been in the market for a new vehicle recently you’re well aware of how prices have skyrocketed, average transaction prices — what shoppers actually paid before driving off the dealer lot — reaching an all-time high of more $48,500 last December. But have prices finally started settling back? Might consumers finally find some bargains? Headlight.News parses the numbers.