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Former Ferrari Racing Chief Helps UN Launch Global Road Safety Campaign

Former Ferrari Racing Chief Helps UN Launch Global Road Safety Campaign

He spent years as a major force behind one of the world’s most dangerous sports – auto racing. Now, Jean Todt has taken a lead role in a new United Nations effort to address the “pandemic” of highway deaths. Its new, ad campaign hopes to halve the number of road fatalities – over 1 million annually – by 2030.

Paraplegic IndyCar Driver Finds Electric Racing Car Uniquely Adaptable

Paraplegic IndyCar Driver Finds Electric Racing Car Uniquely Adaptable

Left a paraplegic following a crash six years ago, promising IndyCar driver Robert Wickens is back on track as part of the Formula E racing series thanks to an ell-electric race car specifically modified by manufacturing partner SPARK he can drive via hand controls. The third-generation Formula E car is the world’s fastest, lightest and most sustainable electric race car.

Twork Named New Lucid PR Chief as it Enters a Critical Phase

Twork Named New Lucid PR Chief as it Enters a Critical Phase

Lucid Group named a new PR chief, Nick Twork taking on global communications duties at the EV start-up. The move comes at a critical time for the Silicon Valley-based automaker. While its initial product line, the Air sedan, has received generally favorable reviews, Lucid has been struggling with sluggish sales and a rapid cash burn while waiting for the more mainstream Gravity SUV to debut later this year.

Flexibility is Key, Stellantis CEO Tavares Tells Investors – Though “Arrogance” Almost Knocked it Down

Flexibility is Key, Stellantis CEO Tavares Tells Investors – Though “Arrogance” Almost Knocked it Down

Stellantis faces challenges and has lost ground in the U.S. CEO Carlos Tavares acknowledged during Thursday’s “Investors Day” conference, putting some of the blame on his own shoulders.  But the carmaker’s flexible strategy and new products offer hope for the future and protect the company’s profitability, he promised analysts and shareholders.

Musk Faces Growing Opposition to $56B Pay Deal Ahead of 6/13 Vote

Musk Faces Growing Opposition to $56B Pay Deal Ahead of 6/13 Vote

A growing number of investors have announced they will vote against the $56 billion pay package Tesla’s board of directors wants to give CEO Elon Musk – though the South African-born executive insists he has lined up enough support for the proposals approval during a shareholder’s meeting this week. What happens if the plan is rejected? Musk already has fired a warning shot.

From Ruin Porn to Automotive Technology  Hub: Michigan Central Station Reborn

From Ruin Porn to Automotive Technology  Hub: Michigan Central Station Reborn

It didn’t take long for the old depot to fall into ruin after the last Amtrak train departed on January 6, 1988, becoming the iconic symbol of Detroit’s decline. But later today, a sold-out ceremony will mark its rebirth as part of a nearly $1 billion project launched by Ford Motor Co. Michigan Central Station has become the centerpiece of a new campus focused on the development of advanced automotive technologies.

Shake-Up at Stellantis Claims Once-Rising Star Tim Kuniskis

Shake-Up at Stellantis Claims Once-Rising Star Tim Kuniskis

In the wake of the mega-merger between Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and Paris-based PSA, Tim Kuniskis seemed the fair-haired boy, the American executive CEO Carlos Tavares could turn to when there was a problem to be solved. But Kuniskis unexpectedly announced his retirement Friday, with replacements named to take on his duties at Dodge and Ram.

Musk’s Antics Could Cost Him $56 Billion Pay Package

Musk’s Antics Could Cost Him $56 Billion Pay Package

Elon Musk’s increasingly mercurial behavior is having a substantial impact on the Texas-based EV maker. But it may also have a serious impact on the Tesla CEO himself as shareholder resistance grows to the $50 billion pay package the automaker wants to give Musk. A key investor, and former Musk “fanboy,” voting no.

Fed Probe of Tesla Autopilot, FSD Raises Securities, Wire Fraud Concerns

Fed Probe of Tesla Autopilot, FSD Raises Securities, Wire Fraud Concerns

Tesla now faces a criminal probe, federal prosecutors raising questions about the way the automaker has promoted its Autopilot and Full Self-Driving technology which – despite what Tesla and CEO Elon Musk have implied to investors and consumers – are not capable of being driven hands-free.